The study assessed the risks associated with real estate projects delivery in Southwest
Nigeria. It also examined risk management techniques, mitigating strategies and the
success factors for real estate projects delivery in the study area. The study population
was 434 real estate firms registered by the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors
and Valuers. The study adopted multi-stage sampling technique among the
professionals in Estate Surveying and Valuation Firms in Southwest Nigeria. The
sample size was 240 real estate firms. Two respondents were sampled in each firm
giving a total of 480 respondents sampled. In stage one, the researcher used random
sampling for Lagos State while in the other States; Oyo, Ogun, Ondo, Osun and Ekiti
census sampling was used. Stage two was to stratify the population and used
judgmental sampling technique. The third stage was to sample each state separately.
Four hundred and eighty (480) Copies of questionnaire were administered out of
which three hundred and eighty (380) copies were retrieved making a total 78%
response rate. Data collected were analysed using both descriptive and inferential
statistical tools. The study revealed that inflation was the most important risk in real
estate projects delivery in the study area with a mean score of 3.90. Project
Completion Time with a mean score of 3.57 and Project cost with a mean score of
3.56. The study further revealed that Net Present Value” had the highest mean
weighted value with a mean score of 3.45. It was the most important risk management
technique applied in real estate projects delivery in Southwest Nigeria. This was
followed by Project Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) with mean weighted
value of 3.42. The risk management techniques variable that took third (3rd) position
was Internal Rate of Return with mean score of 3.36. Test of Statistical Significance
with F- value of 28.826 and P- value of 0.000 showed that there was significance
relationship between risk management techniques and number of real estate project
executed. The result of the Analysis of Variance showed Risk Premium Method F (5,
366) = 1.316, p = 0.256); and Internal Rate of Return F (5, 365) = 2.071, p = 0.068);
were not statistically significant across the cities of the study area. The p-value of
Break-even Technique (0.034), Risk Scoring Technique 0.007), Net Present Value
(.016), Project Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) (0.046), Sensitivity
analysis (0.025), Standard Deviation 0.016), Variance Analysis (0.002), and,
Correlation Analysis (0.020) showed that they were statistical significant (p<0.05) in
risk management techniques in real estate projects delivery across the six states of
Southwest Nigeria. The study showed that the Net Present Value, Project Evaluation
and Review Techniques (PERT) and Internal rate of return are the most important
risk management techniques applied in real estate projects delivery in Southwest
Nigeria. The study concluded that real estate projects delivery in South West Nigeria
can successfully be delivered if the risk mitigating strategies are well implemented by
promoting risks prevention and risk reduction in real estate projects delivery. The
study concluded that Inflation risk, project cost risk, and project completion time
should be given more attention in other to avoid an increase in project cost.